More information: Roger Creel et al, Permafrost thaw subsidence, sea-level rise, and erosion are transforming Alaska's Arctic coastal zone, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024 ...
The funding will cover this year's operations of the Sikuliaq, an ice-capable ship used for research cruises around Alaska.
NOAA’s work has kept fisheries from collapsing, helped coastal ecosystems survive extreme heat and battled invasive species, among many other tasks essential to coastal economies.
a glaciologist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Sea-level rise, coastal erosion, unstable ecosystems and changing ocean currents are among the consequences researchers are already tracking.
Alaska is experiencing more extreme consequences of climate change than the continental United States. Coastal erosion, thawing permafrost, melting sea ice, and fishery collapse are all ramifications ...
By the time the cyclone started heading towards the coast, many beaches had already been hit by erosion-causing waves. This meant they were more vulnerable to storm surge and further erosion.
Coastal erosion is the process of the sea wearing away the land. There are four processes which could cause erosion on a cliff: ...