Despite their tiny size, ants are able to accomplish absolutely incredible feats. They can build amazingly intricate nests, ...
Once you've collected enough ants, dispose of them safely and repeat the process until the nest is eliminated." Itay says when trying to find the colony, follow their trails and identify where ...
Now, there's one more type of tunnel inside the nest, but only a few ants ever use it. You see, someone needs to find food for the rest of the colony. But running around outside the nest is ...
These nests typically have two or more species of ants in the colony, and can often be identified easily. For instance, many of the formicine slave-makers like P. breviceps are red ants that ...
ADAM:'The queen ant is the only ant that lays eggs so she's vital to the colony. ADAM:'She's put safely in the nest.' ADAM:Yep, she's in. ADAM:'Planet ant has two main areas the nest boxes and the ...
If their nest is threatened, they will rapidly attack by the tens ... find a hole/entrance on the top like with other ant hills. That’s because fire ants get to their colony through underground ...
Enthusiastically social insects, ants typically live in structured nest communities that may be ... which some experts believe constitutes a colony “memory.” This kind of communal knowledge ...
This story appears in the May 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine. If aliens ever do land on Earth, don’t get all huffy if their greeting turns out to be: "Take me to your ant." That ant ...
Soldier ants guard the colony. They are very strong and will try to stop anything that attacks. Small worker ants collect the leaves and bring them back to the nest. And even smaller workers use ...
Prior to swarming, ants are going about their everyday business and living in a colony in a nest. Black garden ants nest in dry soil. You'll often find them in flower beds and lawns, and under paving ...