The Pando is a 106-acre colony of cloned aspen trees between Las Vegas, Nevada, and Salt Lake City, Utah, in the US-but it's being eaten alive.
Quaking aspens store chlorophyll beneath their bark (particularly in younger trees), this is what gives the trunk a greenish cast. This helps them to continue to produce sugars, at least when the days ...
Pando is an ancient quaking aspen tree (Populus tremuloides ... but humans have now eliminated most of these predators. Pests and diseases are also attacking Pando, with root rot as well bacterial ...
These DANPCs are transplanted into the putamen, replacing cells that were lost or damaged due to disease. The quality of each person's cells is assessed at every manufacturing stage using Aspen's ...
Mytos’ automated cell culture technology will power manufacturing of dopaminergic neuronal precursor cells for Aspen’s investigational cell therapy ANPD001 in Parkinson’s disease LONDON ...