Quaking aspens store chlorophyll beneath their bark (particularly in younger trees), this is what gives the trunk a greenish cast. This helps them to continue to produce sugars, at least when the days ...
Throughout the mountains of the American West, carvings hidden on the trunks of aspen trees tell the stories ... to the valleys where they spent the winter. This annual cycle meant Basque herders ...
The drive is long and a little wide, Well wider than the average, Longer than most, just by a little.
Downtown Aspen, Colorado in winter is a magical experience! The streets are lined with snow-covered trees, and the buildings are decorated with twinkling lights. There are many shops and ...
What was going on? Meanwhile biologists Bill Ripple and Eric Larsen were probing into another mystery – the disappearance of aspen trees in the park. At first they considered climate change.
Populus tremuloides, the quaking aspen of the North American continent, stands as one of the most easily recognized, most beautiful and most admired of all tree species. In order to help ...