A century ago, when persimmon trees saw a surge in plantings, the astringent hachiya was the top cultivar. But despite the promotional efforts of what was then the Southern California Persimmon ...
In this section you'll find photographic features that explore holidays and photography courses, details about members meetings, trials and tribulations of installing new software along with ...
We were going to be served non-astringent persimmons, they said, as opposed to the astringent persimmons which are common in the US. The only way I have ever used persimmons as part of a dish is ...
The traditional production of dried persimmons, or myotangaki, is now at its peak in Nanbu Town, Aomori Prefecture. Residents gather to peel astringent persimmons and hang them on strings.
Choose fruit that feels supple when gently pressed. Unlike ‘astringent’ varieties of persimmon, that need to ripen until really soft, Sharon fruit can be eaten while firm, skin, seeds and all.
Kaki, the crunchy persimmon, can be eaten while crisp as they are quite sweet. The old-fashioned variety needs to be mushy before consuming as, when crisp, they are very astringent. Persimmons are ...