Just before 6 p.m., officers responded to a shooting at the Northridge Manor Apartments, located on Maida Road.
Multiple arrests have been made after a shooting in Beaumont sent one person to the hospital, according to information from the Beaumont Police Department.
Residents are now encouraged to file a non-emergency police report online, in person, or by calling the non-emergency number.
Just before 6 p.m., officers responded to a shooting at the Northridge Manor Apartments, located on Maida Road.
Starting Feb. 17, officers will no longer be dispatched for certain minor offenses, including minor assaults, auto burglaries ...
Beaumont Police Chief Tim Ocnaschek wants to make clear that officers will continue to respond to 9-1-1 calls but there will ...
Additional time to respond to more serious crimes is one of the key reasons why the policy was made. It also is expected to ...
To reduce wait times, Beaumont Police will limit on-site responses for eight crime types, allowing reports via phone or ...
Beaumont Police have detained multiple people for questioning after a Thursday evening shooting in the north end of that ...
The Beaumont Police Department is investigating the death of a 53-year-old man found at a residence Thursday night. The ...
Beaumont's Real-Time Crime Center may soon expand throughout the region.
Multiple criminal charges have been issued against 17 people who have been connected to felonies and misdemeanors, which ...