Yet, with Bob Dylan, there will always be one baffling ... Many think of this double album, with gems thrown all over it, as some sort of a clearing house for Dylan, recording everything that ...
Bob Dylan has so many records! So, if you’re starting a collection, where should you start? Should you begin at the most recent and go backwards? Or get his first album and go chronologically?
No artist has had a career like Bob Dylan’s. It spans more than 50 years ... He’s made one of rock’s best double albums (‘Blonde on Blonde’), breakup records (‘Blood on the Tracks ...
It’s a moot point just how stripped back this remix really is, as Dylan’s voice retains a Sun Studio echo, and the same worked-over takes are used. The album’s vinyl incarnation also anyway ...
He's just original,” Hammond told Pop Chronicles in 1968, highlighting the album's organic sound. When it finally hit the market, Bob Dylan went absolutely unnoticed. Billboard mentioned it in a ...