Milwaukee police are reporting a troubling increase in car thefts involving key re-programmers that target vehicles equipped ...
They’re also a reason why it’s a lot more expensive to get car keys duplicated these days for many models that use this technology. However, there is now an open source programmer that works ...
Just three months after purchasing his 2017 Infiniti, Tony Frachalla found his car stolen while parked in a well-lit area ...
For all of Tesla Inc’s groundbreaking work advancing digital features in cars, it’s still lacking one thing: a decent browser. While the EV maker pioneered over-the-air software updates and ...
Car thieves are using key programming devices to steal vehicles that have start buttons instead of ignitions. Police say the proliferation of websites selling the devices has led to levels of car ...
Milwaukee police are reporting a troubling increase in car thefts involving key re-programmers that target vehicles equipped ...