In 1854, during the third cholera outbreak in London ... outbreak back to a contaminated water pump in Broad Street in the Soho area of London. Snow removed the handle of the pump, making it ...
It was made in 1854 by a London physician named John Snow. He suspected that the cholera outbreak in London’s Soho neighborhood, which killed 616 people, was spread through water, not air. At that ...
He is best known for his work on tracking the spread of cholera during an epidemic in London in 1854. It was widely believed ... began near his home in Soho, killing 550 people in two weeks.
In 1830, the Russian authorities attempted to contain a major cholera outbreak by prohibiting travel ... It hit Tchaikovsky's home in 1854. Both his parents contracted the disease but whereas ...
Data visualization was first used to recognize disease patterns in the 1854 London cholera outbreak. It is even more essential today.