But reach for your best sweaters one too many times, and you'll find yourself with a skyrocketing dry-cleaning bill. That's ...
your wool rugs can last a lifetime. Cleaning your wool rugs with proper materials is essential to preserving their color and keeping them fresh. Even though wool might be naturally antimicrobial ...
Wool Goodbye, shrinkage. Dry-cleaning chemicals can be overly abrasive on finer wools, and most modern wool garments have been treated so you can machine-wash them in cold water. Just remember to ...
You should dry clean wool, velvet, silk, leather suede or fur garments, as well as suits or items made with intricate beading or embellishments, says Lewenhaupt. “Washing a garment that should ...
In response to a reader who has noticed more and more dry-clean-only labels on clothing, our critic explains why they are ...
It’s winter, which often means snow and cold. And these happen to be two elements that can help you get your wool rugs seriously clean. Here’s a trick from Scandinavia ...
Wool uses 367 times more land per bale than cotton, and the chemically intensive process of cleaning shorn wool kills aquatic life and pollutes waterways. “Sheep grazing pastureland may seem innocent ...