In confocal microscopy, image formation of structures outside the microscope's focus is suppressed by using an arrangement of pinholes that act as a point light source and a point detector.
The basic scheme here is known as confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy, where a laser at one wavelength excites fluorescent tags bound to structures in a sample. Light emitted by the ...
but traditional confocal microscopy is limited in the range of wavelengths that can be covered and the number of fluorophores that can be used. Download this application note from Leica Microsystems ...
In confocal microscopy, laser light is focused into a very small spot and is scanned across the specimen to reconstitute a 2D image. This is in contrast to wide-field microscopes in which the entire ...
Current concepts in light and electron microscopy and scanning probe techniques. Theory and practice of fluorescence (including confocal and multi-photon), atomic force, scanning and transmission ...