When you're hit with a cold or the flu, it's important to have the best symptom-relieving meds on hand. (DayQuil, NyQuil, Mucinex, Sudafed, Tylenol) ...
Before we talk about which medicines are best, here's an important note to consider: Cold medicines do not cure your cold, nor do they shorten its duration. If you're reading this because you want ...
"But a multi-symptom cold medicine like DayQuil or NyQuil may be ... (Note: You'll need to show I.D. when purchasing, as the medication is either kept behind the pharmacy counter or requires ...
"There is limited high-quality evidence to support specific remedies for the common cold, in particular among children," Dr. Richard Chung, pediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist at Duke ...
Whether they called their complaint a cold or catarrh, die Grippe— or flu, the answer was the same: for none of these illnesses caused by viruses does medicine have a cure. The best that any ...
Common cold and allergy medication ingredients ... "There is no drug interaction between pseudoephedrine and loratadine, but ...
Drug stores in Tokyo are being forced to limit purchases of cold medicines due to a rush on stocks by foreign, mostly Chinese, customers. Cold remedies suddenly started flying off shelves earlier ...
The common cold is the most common reason for a visit to a primary care physician and many medications are used to alleviate symptoms. Pseudoephedrine is one of the most commonly used OTC drugs ...
While a stuffy nose, scratchy throat and body aches can stop you in your tracks, the best cold medicine can help you bounce back faster and feel more like yourself. But facing packed drugstore shelves ...