Good Boy, a new scary movie told entirely from a dog's POV, just premiered at South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas – ...
Ben Leonberg's Good Boy is an effectively chilling yet still heartfelt horror movie told from a dog's perspective.
Horror movies have a long-standing tradition of putting dogs in danger, or worse, killing them off. But the new horror movie ...
What could have easily been a cheap gimmick instead provides the foundation for one of the best horror films so far this year ...
But filmmaker Ben Leonberg took things a step further. He’s taken his own dog, Indy, and made him the center of a feature-length horror film. The photogenic retriever takes the ball and runs ...
"I love dogs more than people," Chase said in a statement. "And I’m tired of seeing horror movies where the dog is the first one to die. They’re not just pets, they’re our best friends ...