YOUR daily sandwich could be the cause of your receding hairline, a hair transplant surgeon has warned. Consuming too much of ...
I have come across a new product in the neverending quest for hair so long and full that it would make Rapunzel jealous—scalp ...
By the age of 60 about two-thirds of men are bald or have a bald patch. Now, scientists at the University of Virginia are ...
“There are also some studies that show that red light may help to restore hair for those with male or female patterned hair ...
Given the chatter that this is a gold-standard ingredient for hair growth, you may be super tempted to hit "add to cart" on ...
These days, there’s no shortage of serums, treatments and DIY solutions to help regrow and thicken thinning hair. And if ...
Dr Raj Arora is known for sharing handy health advice on TV and social media. She recently turned her attention to the topic ...