The energy efficiency of Ed Miliband’s home was only fractionally improved by installing a heat pump, online records reveal.
More than half of properties in England fall below the C energy performance certificate rating which landlords will be ...
Social housing in Exeter is the most energy efficient in England and Wales, according to a report from consumer price ...
UK Finance has urged the government not to single out the private rented sector when updating its EPC framework.
A report by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has highlighted the financial burden landlords ...
The office market was thrown into turmoil in the post-pandemic shift towards flexible working. Businesses battled with uncertainty over the future ...
NRLA tells Energy Minister more time and funding clarity needed for EPC C target by 2030, citing skills shortages and ...
If you don’t know your home’s EPC rating, you can check it on the government’s website; as part of the rating, you’ll receive both a number and a letter that determines how energy efficient your home ...
Of all the homes in the UK, including those owned by landlords and owner occupiers, 74,770 homes scored top marks with an A EPC rating, according to an analysis by door and window supplier Eurocell.