This Hal Jordan sparks the resurgence of the entire Green Lantern Corps and leads them in subsequent wars with the Sinestro Corps. Earth 2 was DC's New 52 version of the Justice Society of America.
In Green Lantern Corps #2, John Stewart and his team return to a devastated Thanagar with Hawkwoman, while Sinestro makes an ...
What Did They Do To Hal Jordon In Absolute Green Lantern #1 by Al Ewing and Jahnoy Lindsay from DC Comics? (Spoilers) ...
without the willpower, what's left is the Absolute Green Lantern!" reads the synopsis for #1, which suggests a more stripped back approach for the series. The blurb for #2, however, indicates the ...
One of the most recent additions to the Green Lantern mythos is Sojourner “Jo” Mullein from Earth, back in 2019. She is an African-American woman who keeps the peace in a sector of space so ...