Update: We've added an interactive map showing every Site of Grace location throughout the whole of Elden Ring to the first section of this page. As you slog through the unforgiving world of Elden ...
The Siofra River is a late-game location in Elden Ring, however regardless of that ... quest where you hand over the Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni. 1) The first Smithing Stone 4 in Ainsel River ...
Learning how to respec in Elden Ring will help if you managed to level ... and if you're following Ranni's questline, you shouldn't miss these: This one is only obtainable once you've defeated ...
This is where you go as part of Ranni's quest ... A second Larval Tear location outside of there though is closer to where you start Elden Ring, but much more difficult to acquire.
The bosses with Achievement or Trophy rewards are: Below you'll find every boss in Elden Ring, including their location, listed. To help you navigate this list, we’ve organised it by region and ...
A devout soulslike gamer, and FromSoftware fan in particular, shares their amazing Elden Ring and Dark Souls-themed tattoo ...
Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, is one the hardest hitting bosses in Elden Ring, thanks to its pesky ... remembrance and allows you to progress in Ranni’s questline. In this boss guide, we ...
There are seven powerful legendary spells in Elden Ring: three incantations and four sorceries, to be exact. If you find them all, you’ll earn a magical trophy or achievement for all your hard work.
Fia is an NPC Introduced in Elden Ring. Greetings, great champion called ... talk to him and exhaust his dialogues. His first location is marked on the map below: 4. Go to D's location in the ...
Blaidd’s Armor Set, also known as the Black Wolf armor set, is a heavy-weight armor in El d en Ring that Blaidd ... and one of three servants serving under Ranni the Witch.
Sorcerer Rogier is an NPC Introduced in Elden Ring. The pleasure's mine ... You can see his location on the map below: 2. After meeting Rogier, progress through the game as usual until you ...