For many decades after the end of World War II (WWII), a broad popular narrative—reinforced through thousands of films and books—cast the German military as unthinking tools of Nazi ideology. Only in ...
768 pp.). Biblio., index. $40.00 paper, the set. ISBN: 978-0-7864-7168-3 / e-Book 978-0-7864-9344-9. Forgotten Axis: Germany’s Partners and Foreign Volunteers in World War II, by J. Lee Ready.
In a new book 'Presidents At War,' historian Steven M. Gillon takes a look at how World War II impacted a generation of ...
National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force will host Peggy Scholberg to discuss her book on her mother's wartime ...
Goebbels promoted the Nazi message through art, music, theater, films, books, radio ... against Jews and other minorities. During World War II German propaganda emphasized the prowess of the ...
When efforts to negotiate a withdrawal fail, Britain and France declare war on Germany. World War II begins. Germany captures Paris, and France surrenders to the Nazis. Exacting revenge for his ...