Make thousands of dollars by renting your 2017 Ice Castle Fish Houses RV in Boydton. Suggested List — The value listed reflects the approximate price of the unit when it is brand new. The prices ...
As the ice-fishing season winds down, I’m gladly putting my gear in storage and also properly servicing the items for ...
DULUTH — Deadlines are approaching in Minnesota and Wisconsin for anglers to get ice fishing shelters off the ice. For Minnesota lakes and rivers south of highways 2 and 200, the deadline is ...
Deadlines are approaching in Minnesota and Wisconsin for anglers to get ice fishing shelters off the ice. For Minnesota lakes and rivers south of Highways 2 and 200, the deadline is March 6.
ST. PAUL — A recent string of warm weather means many ice shelters have already been removed from inland waters in the northern third of Minnesota. Anglers who still have a fish house on the ice ...