Clicklike noises made by a small species of shark represent the first instance of a shark actively producing sound ...
Two Russian divers were found dead, one in the jaws of a shark ... with both arms missing due to an apparent shark attack. Multiple sharks were observed in the vicinity during the recovery ...
TWO tourists have died, with one discovered in the jaws of a shark ... been killed by the shark or was already dead when the beast found his body, Capt Lapitan said. Shark attacks in and around ...
EXCLUSIVE: It’s fifty years since Jaws was released and U.S. distributors ... is plunging into new waters with the acquisition of Hot Spring Shark Attack (aka Onsen Shâku).
Fifty years ago, a movie about a man-eating shark took the world by storm. "Jaws," the Steven Spielberg classic released in 1975, filmed in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts from May through ...
Two Russian divers were found dead, one in the jaws of a shark ... with both arms missing due to an apparent shark attack. Multiple sharks were observed in the vicinity during the recovery ...
Teeth from sharks and rays can be used to study their diet, but one of the biggest challenges in shark science is collecting ...
Now, researchers have found that jaws in museums and private collections can serve as an untapped resource for shark teeth that provide valuable scientific information. This can be done using ...