the two different Gospel Infancy Narratives by examining a series of scenes in each of the narratives; the unique characteristics of each account; the limits of our historical knowledge about Jesus’s ...
One storyline in particular, the birth of Jesus, has gone viral on social media because of Maisley's take on a conversation between Mary and Joseph. “And Mary said, ‘Woo, somebody give me a ...
“So, you get to walk through the different scenes that we see in the Bible ... More than 25,000 expected to experience the story of the birth of Jesus during The Journey ...
NARRATOR: Today we are going to learn about the birth of Jesus! Cut to the interior of the stable as Mary nurses baby Jesus in her arms and Joseph stands over her. OISIN: Oh look at that cute ...
In Matthew’s narrative, Jesus’ birth is detected by foreign priests, the magi; in Luke it is lowly Jewish shepherds who first learn the news. In Matthew’s narrative, King Herod in Jerusalem hunts ...
As a careful historian, Luke sets the scene of Jesus' birth in its political context by mentioning various rulers and places at the time (2:1-4). Luke's gospel begins with dramatic appearances of ...
As Christmas approaches, the tradition of setting up a nativity scene becomes a cherished activity, bringing the story of ...