king colobus monkeys and crab-eating macaques. They found that the nasal aperture in male proboscis monkeys is 29 per cent ...
In the year 1551 a strange male animal was put on public display ... (each five to thirty strong) of chattering monkeys: red-eared, black colobus, and red colobus, the latter one of the most ...
Niger Delta red colobus monkeys (Piliocolobus epieni) are endemic to the marshy woodlands of the Niger Delta, Africa’s largest mangrove forest.When the species was first described in the 1990s ...
The beautiful monkey is the Tana River Colobus while the ugly species is the Tana River Mangabey. Primate researcher Stanislaus Kivai with a red colobus monkey at a primate reserve in Tana River ...