Handelt es sich doch um eine Originalausgabe von Hitlers "Mein Kampf" - inklusive Hakenkreuz ... Doch Martin B. greift zum Original, was seinem Schichtleiter nicht verborgen bleibt.
If you read the original, you see Hitler is accusing his ... quoted the very same passage as Brooks. “In ‘Mein Kampf,’ Hitler described what history has shown to be correct,” said ...
Hitlers «Mein Kampf» wurde zweibändig zuerst 1925 und ... wie sie im deutschen Original ist: unlesbar. Mannoni wollte den Text mit all seinen Fehlern und Unverständlichkeiten übertragen.
In a new documentary and book, Boston College faculty members John and Susan Michalczyk offer a scholarly examination of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' A new documentary and book from longtime Boston College ...
Schlägt man die Ausgabe auf, sieht man den Original-Textkorpus der Erstausgaben ... Probe - überraschend lesbar sind. Ausgerechnet "Mein Kampf", dieses hasserfüllte Pamphlet, diese ...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams referred to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” as he spoke up against calls to step down from his position at a Brooklyn church rally last week, the New York Post reported.
Trump’s critics say his claim that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” echoes language Hitler used in “Mein Kampf.” (JTA) — Speaking at an Iowa presidential rally on ...
The “Big lie” phrase Adams referenced as being in “Mein Kampf” is often attributed to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. FILE PHOTO: New York City Mayor Eric Adams speaks during a ...