A newborn baby in India underwent vital surgery to have two fetuses removed from his stomach earlier this month.
Mono-di twins share a placenta, which means they need extra monitoring to make sure they're getting enough nutrients and ...
Hope Baxter and her sister, Faith, are known as Mo/Mo twins a term for monochorionic monoamniotic ... Di Di stands for Dichronic Diamniotic, and they are the common type of twins.
Accurate and simple evaluation of vascular anastomoses in monochorionic placenta using colored dye. J Vis Exp 2011; 55: e3208. Wang X, Wei Y, Yuan P, et al. Placental characteristics of twin-to-twin ...
A dichorionic, diamniotic twin pregnancy ensued (Figure 2). Most twin pregnancies arise from two separate fertilized ova (dizygotic twins). Most monozygotic twins arise by the division of an ...