But Morris said there will be no fear when the Dogs line up on the MCG. "I'm feeling good about it. It's a big task, but we're more than up for it so we'll take it head on," he said. "At this time of ...
The Morris County Surrogate Court has turned ... "Since last April, we've saved 12 dogs and placed them in good homes." Darling said. Darling hopes to expand her own volunteer rescue program ...
"We have a good mix now of rebounding defenders, lock down defenders and tall defenders so it is not left up to one person," Morris told AFL.com.au. Morris was part of an outstanding back six for the ...
Therapy dog Stormy with Morris County Surrogate Heather Darling ... "I had my dog and that was what made me feel good." Darling is fond of Rottweilers − she's currently the proud mom of two ...