While confocal microscopy uses a pinhole to reject out-of-focus light to generate the optical section, a multi-photon (or 2-photon) microscope uses a pulsed infrared laser to stimulate fluorescence ...
The key part of a confocal microscope is the pinhole placed in front of the detector at the confocal plane of the objective. Thanks to this pinhole, only light emitted from the small focal spot is ...
A high-performance spinning disk confocal in an enclosed ... There are dual Nipkow disks with 50 or 25-micrometer lens pinhole arrays. The stage is motorized in X, Y, Z and coupled with Olympus’ ...
Our basic Confocal Laser Scanning System includes an electronics control unit, an expandable dual PMT module, a 16-position pinhole wheel, a two-channel (488 nm & 642 nm) laser source, and the ...
The Leica SP8 is a dual purpose visible confocal microscope and multi-photon on a single platform. The confocal microscope is equipped with 4 detectors, one of which is a highly sensitive hybrid ...
The LSM 9 family with Airyscan 2 from ZEISS provides more options to enable the perfect balance of speed and resolution for today’s confocal-imaging needs. By combining the pinhole-plane imaging ...
The Airyscan PrincipleA classic confocal microscope illuminates one spot on the sample to detect the emitted fluorescence signal. Out-of-focus emission light is rejected at a pinhole, the size of ...