Longfin smelt live for several years, spawning in freshwater and inhabiting estuaries and nearshore waters, and even ranging out into the ocean. Usually growing from 3.5 to 4.3 inches as adults, these ...
The truth, however, is that keeping freshwater flowing from Northern California rivers through the delta and out to the ocean is crucial for the protection not only of the smelt, but other species ...
Trump said he condemned sending over water to the Pacific Ocean aimed at protecting the delta smelt, a small fish considered endangered in the region, while communities suffer. Trump said that ...
Probably the most controversial fish in this region, if not in California as a whole, is the Delta Smelt. The Delta smelt is the poster child of all that is wrong in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Longfin smelt live for several years, spawning in freshwater and inhabiting estuaries and nearshore waters, and even ranging out into the ocean. Usually growing from 3.5 to 4.3 inches as adults, these ...