A shocking mass bleaching event has hit a celebrated coral reef system off the Western Australian coast, and Australia's ...
An "unprecedented" mass bleaching event has been recorded off Australia's western coast, scientists said Wednesday, turning ...
In late April, reports come in from Tahiti that the reef was bleaching, and fast. Coral bleaching happens when warm waters cause corals to expel the algae living in their tissues and turn white.
Coral reefs across the globe once again endure mass bleaching amid warming oceans, scientists say Coral reef bleaching across happens when stressed coral expel the algae that are their food source ...
How bad is it? I have just returned from Ningaloo Reef, where I saw widespread bleaching and the first signs of coral mortality. Up to 90% of the coral found in shallow areas of the northern ...
An underwater investigation of coral bleaching in the South Pacific By Justin Worland | Photographs by XL Catlin Seaview Survey Richard Vevers has traveled the globe to photograph coral reefs ...
Removal of algae also turns corals white, a phenomenon commonly known as bleaching. While the coral remains alive in this ghostly state, bleaching renders it more susceptible to stress and disease.
About 22 percent of coral on the Great Barrier Reef died due to the worst mass coral bleaching event on record, according to an Oct. 13 update by the Australian government's Great Barrier Reef ...
Western Australia’s Ningaloo has experienced the highest level of heat stress ever recorded, while coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef has been detected from Townsville to Cape York ...
PETALING JAYA: Over half of the coral reefs in Malaysian waters have been affected by coral bleaching between April and June due to increased sea surface temperatures. The Fisheries Department ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Coral reefs in the country are experiencing significant mass coral bleaching due to rising sea surface temperatures, potentially having serious implications for marine biodiversity ...