The Beatles drummer Ringo Starr voices his excitement for the "madness" behind Sam Mendes' plans to make four movies telling ...
Finding themselves without a permanent drummer in 1960, the pre-fame Beatles hired local Liverpool skinsman Pete Best -- but his time in the band would be short lived. After recording a demo for ...
McCartney's botched showpiece was the reason he pushed Lennon to bring George Harrison into the Quarrymen. The rest is Beatles history ...
If you had told me when I was a young teenager — swooning over a certain mop-topped quartet from Liverpool, like most girls ...
Dave Grohl knows who his favourite Beatles member is as his called this musician the "foundation" of the band, powering their ...
HUDSON FALLS, N.Y. (NEWS10) — The Strand Theatre in Hudson Falls will be hosting a performance by The Beatles’ original ...
With a storied history as a live band before their first single, The Beatles had played with several classic guitars before 'Love Me 'Do stormed the charts.
You don’t have to be a full-on Freudian to see the truth in Freud’s proposal that jokes are the release of pent-up ...
Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey) got his start drumming for another Liverpool group -- Rory Storm and the Hurricanes -- before he was asked to step into Pete Best's vacant spot in the Beatles in ...