A pair of local bald eagles are looking after three new hatchlings in their nest above Big Bear lake, and an internet camera offers a real-time view of this young avian family. The Friends of the Big ...
The Redlands library has set up a monitor to help patrons who might not have access to the livestream at home.
The daily life of Jackie and Shadow from their nest is livestreamed online and draws in thousands of views. In early March, Big Bear’s beloved bald eagles Jackie and Shadow hatched three eggs. Two ...
Big Bear News – Big Bear Lake, CA – Big Bear’s local resident bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, have successfully hatched their third eaglet. This is a milestone for the eagle family that has been ...
Since hatching, Jackie and Shadow’s three eagle chicks have spent time eating, tumbling, thriving and ‘bonking’ in the family nest near Big Bear Lake.
One of the three viral baby bald eagles in California has died following a severe winter storm. Friends of Big Bear Valley ...
According to the National Weather Service, Big Bear City, Wrightwood, Lake Arrowhead, Crestline, Big Bear Lake, and Running Springs all expect heavy snow from Thursday through Friday. Over 1.25 ...