Recognizing how persistent depressive disorder manifests and plays out in the lives of individuals suffering from this little ...
Private insurance as a treatment option is only available to those who can afford it. Certain private treatment options such ...
A new study analyzing global mental health data has revealed a sharp increase in mental disorders among children and ...
Patients with difficult-to-diagnose conditions like endometriosis are often sent home with diagnoses like anxiety or bipolar ...
Isolation can occur during depressive episodes when you might withdraw from others or even during manic episodes when ...
Vivid dreams can be a symptomatic presentation of mental illness. This type of dream feels real. Learn how they may not ...
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in four American families will be touched by mental illness at any ...
People with mental illness are significantly overrepresented in our nation’s jails and prisons. Each year, roughly two million people with serious mental illness are booked into jail.