Of all the pirate crews in One Piece, the one that stands out as the strongest is undoubtedly the Roger Pirates. Not only are the individual members some of the strongest pirates in the series ...
Pirate families in One Piece have diverse dynamics, influenced by parents' backgrounds and actions. Some pirates follow in ...
Roger was a prominent pirate before becoming Pirate King, with many accomplishments. Fans speculate Roger's original epithet could have been "Jolly" or "Gold." Despite his early achievements ...
Luffy is already one of the strongest characters, but not the strongest yet. Luffy became one of the elite pirates after Wano ...
Rocks D. Xebec remains one of the most mysterious characters in the setting, but his strength was legendary, even greater ...
Blackbeard is close to becoming the Pirate King. Luffy's journey may face more obstacles. Fans hope for a massive battle ...
Many strong Roger Pirates are still alive in One Piece, like Rayleigh and Scopper Gaban. Roger Pirates choose not to help save the world, preferring retirement on Elbaf and Sabaody. The Roger ...