The researchers next showed that when macrophages were exposed to inflammatory signals, their activity changed alongside ...
My research—and in fact my entire career—focuses on one of the fundamental questions of immunology: how the innate immune system’s sensory functions tell self from non-self, such as ...
The unified picture derives from viewing the innate immune system as a potential 'network' that can distinguish between 'friend' (commensal bacteria) and 'foe' (pathogenic bacteria). Although ...
Researchers have discovered that mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines have a persistent effect on the innate immune system. These mechanisms may help the human body to better protect itself against potential ...
This response is general and nonspecific. If pathogens manage to bypass the innate immune system, macrophages will attack them. Macrophages will also produce substances called cytokines ...
The immune system has two main arms: innate and adaptive. The innate immune system recognizes broad molecular patterns, such as molecules that certain RNA viruses generate as they replicate. It is ...
Researchers from the School of Dental Medicine and international collaborators from Dresden Germany investigated the effects of training the innate immune system in experimental models of chronic ...
Researchers from Penn’s School of Dental Medicine found that training innate immune system may lead to increased bone loss in inflammatory conditions. Credit: Chenyao Liu Researchers from Penn’s ...
Researchers have shown that innate immune training, also known as trained immunity (TRIM), leads to aggravated bone loss in experimental models of periodontitis and inflammatory arthritis.
The body also has an innate immunity branch, which, for a long time, was just considered the first-line, general attack arm of the immune system with no ability to remember prior assaults or ...