These buns can stand up to the weighty contents ... What’s precisely added to a Sonoran hot dog varies based on who’s behind ...
This Sonoran dog is magic. The color on the bun ... touched the griddle during its heavy toasting. The bun practically swallows the hot dog inside, and tomatoes, cheese, beans, and crema finish ...
As with other hot dogs, a Sonoran is commonly served as street food ... a Sonoran dog comes with a traditional manner of serving. The bolillo-style bun consists of a specially composed dough ...
Hailing from Hawaii, this hot dog is as much about its unique construction and assembly as it is the toppings. First, a hole is pressed into the bun with a rod that toasts the interior (imagine ...
The real star of the show here is the Sonoran hot dog, which captures all the classic flavors we have come to know and love. The bun is buttery and fluffy, the bacon wrapped around the hot dog is ...
Start with a bright pink strawberry horchata and then dig into a decked-out Sonoran hot dog. These souped-up sausages put ballpark dogs to shame. The bun is fluffy, the hot dog gets wrapped in ...
The oversized, nearly foot-long wieners are grilled to char-kissed perfection before being nestled into a bun for nostalgic consumption. Fun fact: The stadium tried boiling the hot dogs instead of ...