A sperm whale has died after becoming entangled in fishing ropes. The 15-metre-long whale was originally spotted on Thursday, February 27, off the east coast of Skye. This was reported to British ...
Scientists at the Alaska Volcano Observatory say they're confident their equipment will give the public fair warning days or ...
It is then that the second whale comes into view, cutting it off from approaching Girodeau with its mammoth body. "The sperm whale wouldn't let go and kept chasing the shark," he recalled.
The economic stakes were high: Each expedition could yield hundreds of barrels of precious whale oil. There was also valuable ambergris, a substance from the sperm whale used in making perfumes ...
Researchers with the Marine Mammal Center and the Channel Islands Cetacean Research Unit performed a necropsy on a pygmy sperm whale on Feb. 14, 2025. Emily Pomeroy with the Marine Mammal Center ...
The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) team removed five ropes from the whale on Saturday but some remained around its ...
(CNN) - A rarely seen and little-understood species of whale washed up on a California beach. A pygmy sperm whale washed up on the shore at Pismo State Beach on Valentine’s Day. It’s exciting ...
As the whales regrouped while keeping a wary eye on the orcas ... She, too, was met with the same fate as Wonks. The large sperm whale had once again emptied its bowels on its attacker.
Coffman Cove commercial fisherman Dugan Paul Daniels, 55, was sentenced on Monday to six months in prison for illegally ...