It does not matter whether you send the letter via email or snail mail—as ... [Company Name], and I’m ready to work hard and exceed your expectations. Again, thank you for your generous time in ...
During my pre-teen, teenage and young adult years, I would make handmade gifts for each set of my grandparents.
Making your opinion known on a subject has become much easier in the days of social media. Anybody can post whatever they want on Facebook or Twitter, and then wait for the approval of their ...
Thank you again for your service. If you are sending a Letter To the Editor, please be sure to follow these rules: Letters have a firm 200-word limit and will be edited for grammar, clarity and ...
To the editor: I would like to address an open letter to Jack Smith ... criminal effort’ in Jan. 6 case,” Jan. 14) Thanks to you and your team for the courage, persistence and integrity ...