If no other vegetation is in the vicinity, nonselective weed killers can be applied to the area to ensure every trace of thistle root is destroyed.
When it comes to common weeds, few are as problematic as Canada thistle. This plant has a tenacious and fast-growing root system. A single seed is all it takes for an entire patch to spring up and ...
Thistles were everywhere back in the day, whether Californian, nodding, or variegated. The only method available to combat it ...
Alternating intensive tillage during fallow years with cropping and spring and fall tillage can be used to reduce severe perennial weed problems. Fallow may also be used to control perennials such as ...
It less commonly used in cropped land. Generally, the target weed is a long-lived perennial species that is especially difficult to control by traditional means. Nodding thistle is attacked by a ...