A new invention has proven that audio can successfully be transmitted directly to a listener's ears without being audible to others around.
Ultrasonic beams fired through a 3D-printed metasurface can create localized pockets of sound that are inaudible to ...
The researchers created localized pockets of sound, called “audible enclaves.” These enclaves are like small, invisible sound ...
The person standing at that point can hear sound, while anyone standing nearby would not. This creates a privacy barrier ...
The treatment of kidney stones could soon be getting much faster, easier, and safer. Scientists have devised a method of ...
Controlling where sound goes is difficult because of a phenomenon called diffraction – the tendency of sound waves to spread out as they travel. This effect is particularly strong for low-frequency ...
It may someday be possible to listen to a favorite podcast or song without disturbing the people around you, even without ...
According to the researchers, neither beam is audible by itself - it is the intersection of the beams that create a local nonlinear interaction, which generates audible sound. Furthermore, the beams ...
A team from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), belonging to the ...
Tiago Costa discusses why ultrasound neuromodulation has significant potential to transform the treatment of depression ...