Wild turkey populations in New York have increased dramatically ... Studies have revealed that over 600 different species of plant and animals are consumed by wild turkeys. In northern environments, ...
Most afternoons, drivers zipping over the Bloomington Ferry Bridge have company. Wild turkeys dot the roadside, lolling casually at the road edge as rush-hour traffic cruises by. Bill Penning, ...
Autumn is a wonderful time of year. It keeps a wildlife photographer and nature nut like myself very busy. Our extra mild fall weather has extended my wildlife photography season and has made it ...
A turkey vulture standing on the ground can, at a distance, resemble a wild turkey. It is unique among our vultures in that it finds carrion by smell as well as by sight. When threatened ...
Turkeys used to be found on the dinner table more often than in the Minnesota wild. “It used to be there were no turkeys, and the first time I saw some I was like ‘wow,’” said local naturalist Stan ...