By Elizabeth Devitt Sea ice extent is at record, and near record, lows for this time of year in both polar regions, leaving ...
At the edge of the Arctic in northern Canada, the annual migration of polar bears draws tourists, photographers, and ...
This year's Arctic sea ice peak is the lowest in the 47-year satellite record, the US National Snow and Ice Data Center ...
Several researchers the Barents Observer spoke with underline that sea ice extent has already changed dramatically. Just a ...
The Detroit Zoo welcomed Haley, a 22-year-old polar bear, to its Arctic Ring of Life habitat. She joins two other polar bears ...
After nearly a decade of trying to learn details about polar bears’ denning habits in the Arctic, researchers have captured cubs emerging from dens on video for the first time. The footage was ...
UD doctoral student Tianyu Zhou is pictured on the right using a shovel to remove snow that covers the sea ice during a ...
This year's Arctic sea ice peak is the lowest in the 47-year satellite record, the US National Snow and Ice Data Center ...