Palouse Juice owner Benedetta “Toni” Salerno and beauty content creator Brianna Salerno, @Blessedholisticlife, will be ...
LC State tallied 13 runs on 15 hits to back up strong outings on the mound by Evan Canfield and Jackson Cloud. The Warriors ...
BOISE — Sen. Brandon Shippy, R-New Plymouth, is proposing to put a 10-year pause on certain types of vaccines that were used ...
Long known as the valley’s “Golden Boy” of mixed martial arts, Austin Arnett has spent some time away from the spotlight.
News sites report employees across all agencies overseen by U.S. Department of Agriculture were instructed to take down climate change pages ...
PULLMAN — A Pullman man accused of sexually assaulting a child multiple times has denied the crimes. Lane Hunting-Smith, 33, appeared Friday in Whitman County Superior Court on four additional felony ...
On Thursday, Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, reintroduced an amended version of the bill. Changes include moving up the date ...
Adjustments to the measure add definition of nonpublic schools, requirement for portfolio of evidence for student growth, ...
COTTONWOOD — In what Prairie coach Lori Mader called a “shining moment” for her players, the Pirates of Cottonwood clinched their first regular-season girls basketball league title since 2012 with a ...
The Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy in a report analyzing the impact of HB 40 determined that for households earning between ...
Besst said the Ron & Janie Nirk Therapy Pool does not give Gritman much return on investment and instead loses the hospital about $220,000 a year. She called it a “difficult decision” to close the ...
OLYMPIA — The Washington Health Trust, a statewide initiative for universal health care, is supporting proposals introduced in both the Senate and House (House Bill 1445 and Senate Bill 5233), ...