Regardless of the species, snapping turtles are the most ... And, unlike all the other turtles on this list, snappers do not require much to, well, snap. If you've ever seen a snapping turtle ...
In many turtle species, females are larger than males, while generally speaking, tortoise males are larger than females. Most turtles are aquatic or semi-aquatic, while tortoises live on land.
making turtles one of the oldest reptile groups and a more ancient group than lizards, snakes or crocodiles. Of the many species alive today, some are highly endangered. Turtles are ectotherms ...
There are two types of green turtles—scientists are currently debating whether they are subspecies or separate species—including the Atlantic green turtle, normally found off the shores of ...
In 2011 we filed a petition to list all the map turtles, as well as several other freshwater turtle species, under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).