Bureau Local is a people-powered network setting the news agenda and sparking change, from the ground up. It includes journalists, technologists, community-minded citizens and specialist contributors ...
Data journalism is simply journalism. The former is a new and trendy term but ultimately, it is just a way of describing journalism in the modern world. As journalists, we don’t think of data as ...
The People’s Newsroom is an initiative to support the creation and sustainability of community projects that reimagine journalism. The news and media industry are failing to authentically serve and ...
An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has revealed serious concerns about poor-quality brands of a particular cancer drug spreading around the world. The drug, called asparaginase ...
British consumers were exposed to drug-resistant salmonella because new protocols took years to come into force ...
MPs have called on the UK government to open an investigation into the unpaid taxes of Roman Abramovich following this week’s ...
Senior psychologist shocked at recordings of Melanie Gill, who has given expert evidence in hundreds of family cases ...
On Christmas Day 2011, Roman Abramovich stood in a linen shirt and shorts on the deck of his superyacht, the Eclipse. He was preparing to throw a lavish New Year’s Eve party at his vast estate on the ...
Roman Abramovich may owe as much as a billion pounds in UK tax and potential penalties on profits made through a vast offshore hedge fund operation, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal ...
The biases of a court expert whose advice has been pivotal in the removal of at least a dozen children from their mothers’ care have been exposed by an undercover investigation by the Bureau of ...
TBIJ co-publishes its stories with major media outlets around the world so they reach as many people as possible. As of today, journalists and legal bloggers will be able to report on family court ...