Agencies in several states signed up in late February for the revived 287(g) Task Force Model program. No Arizona agencies have yet applied.
A Venezuelan national was arrested and detained by ICE agents earlier this month despite coming to the United States legally through an appointment on the CBP One App.
Law enforcement would have to cooperate with ICE when they know the agency wants to detain a non-citizen in custody on suspicion of a state crime.
The money would fund grants to Arizona law enforcement agencies that make arrests that later lead to deportation, according to Hoffman's proposal. It would be paid after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or other federal agency confirmed that the ...
"I'm just trying to keep him encouraged," said Tanisha Hartwell-Parris of her husband, Marlon Parris. The government was told to clarify its charges.
In the weeks after President Donald Trump’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants nationwide, several tribal nations have expressed their concerns about their citizens being stopped and questioned by I