Slafkovský had a game Saturday in Ottawa that exemplified everything the Canadiens hope he can become when they are ready to ...
That rise in the cap is made for players like Hutson, will be used to pay Ivan Demidov on his second contract four years from now, will be used to absorb the increase in Juraj Slafkovský’s ...
Gól a asistenciu si na konto pripísal obranca Washingtonu Capitals Martin Fehérváry, zatiaľ čo útočník Montrealu Canadiens ...
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Montreal Canadiens right winger Juraj Slafkovský heaped heavy criticism on the Slovak Ice Hockey Association and Hockey ... - NHL: Slafkovský a Pospíšil prispeli gólom k víťazstvám svojich tímov - Slafkovský rozvlnil sieť v druhom zápase za ...
Jason Chen and Michael Amato believe Juraj Slafkovský's fantasy value is definitely on the uptrend with a promotion to the top line. The Sleepers and Keepers fantasy hockey podcast hosts Jason ...
In 2022, the CH drafted two Slovak players in the first round of the draft. They selected Juraj Slafkovský at the very first rank… before setting their sights on Filip Mesar at 26th rank.