The project was developed to prioritize enhanced safety and accessibility for drivers and pedestrians through roadway reconstruction between Sixth Avenue and Calhoun Street.
Those who want to participate in the meeting can do so online on Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Be sure to pre-register for the virtual event. Neighbors can attend in-person at East Hill Baptist Church, 912 Miccosukee Road, Tallahassee.
House Democrats in Tallahassee are calling on the governor to investigate Florida insurance companies, claiming they are broke, all while transferring profits to their affiliate companies.
There is a planned public meeting scheduled to be conducted at East Hill Baptist Church, 912 Miccosukee Road, beginning 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 4.
An FDOT study requested by Leon County Commissioner Christian Caban recommends a traffic signal and left-turn lane at the intersection of Woodville Hwy and Natural Bridge Rd.
The center left-turn lane will be removed, and sidewalk expansions, lighting improvements and underground utility improvements will be added.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced his latest budget recommendations, which could bring significant changes to some of the state’s biggest highways.