JOHOREANS from every corner of the state come together to celebrate and extend heartfelt wishes to their beloved ruler, ...
When it comes to celebrating her special day, a heartfelt quote can capture all the emotions we feel but sometimes we can’t ...
MVMT House, a woman-owned fitness studio in Downtown Indianapolis, is revolutionizing fitness with its diverse offerings of ...
Two of my favourites have birthdays today. Dustin McGowan turns 43 today. Dustin was a first-round pick back in 2000, 33rd ...
Karz, the iconic film by Subhash Ghai, was honored at The Red Lorry Film Festival, reuniting key members of its cast and crew ...
He died nine months later, weeks after his 42nd birthday. "Colon cancer didn't even cross our minds. He of course had symptoms, and in hindsight, I wish we had ... Now, it's 45 — changed in ...
Katie Couric's husband died of colon cancer aged 42 years old. Couric shared early signs of colon cancer you should look for, ...
He claimed a world title in his 20s and, improbably, again in his 40s. He then made millions selling the George Foreman Grill ...
In honor of the film’s 20th anniversary, Pride & Prejudice will return to theaters this spring, from April 20 ( tickets are ...
The astrological controversy about dating the same Sun sign is a topic that many debate. Having a Libra rising myself means I ...
There are just so many dogs to talk about, and I could talk about them forever,” said Matt Nelson, who started WeRateDogs as ...
"That business is like 'Cheers' on TV — it's where people got together and had birthday parties and all that stuff ... all ...