Our Rabbis tell us we must drink on Purim until we no longer know the difference between Haman and Mordechai. This to me ...
Here’s a look at the Jewish holiday of Passover. The holiday will be celebrated from sundown on April 12 through April 20, 2025. Facts Passover, also called Pesach, is the Jewish festival celebrating ...
Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and ...
By the 7th century, many Arabs were no longer pagans ... Following the devastation of the Antonine Plague (165–170 CE), the Roman Empire increasingly relied on barbarian immigration—Germans ...
The Byzantine Empire in the 7th century was wrecked by military strife. The empire was halved, with its richest territories in Egypt ... In addition to the Plague of Justinian from 541-549 ...
Civilization VII features a variety of crises throughout each age, including a full-on invasion, a war of religion, and the ultimate crisis that will test all empire builders: the plague.
The king's mummy and sarcophagus are missing from the royal tomb, which is the second of its kind unearthed this year ...
A 2014 excavation proved the Abydos Dynasty existed. Now, Archaeologists have found a second tomb, but the king's identity ...
Malaria is not ordinarily much of a killer, but in Upper Egypt last week it was as lethal as the plague. Accepted estimate was that in two years it has caused about 86,000 deaths in Qena and Aswan ...