In his speech, the President advised Ankole leaders to educate locals on crucial priorities such as creating jobs and wealth, ...
Miss Tourism Uganda is not just a government project; it’s a partnership. We urge the private sector to join us in supporting the girl child, boosting confidence, and addressing the social challenges.
Title: The social and sexual roles of Hima women: A study of nomadic cattle breeders in Nyabushozi County, Ankole, Uganda Author: Yitzchak Elam Price: Shs40,000 Availability: African Studies Book ...
in the Ankole subregion. Located in Jinja district, Abyssinia Iron & Steel (Uganda) Ltd, is a subsidiary of the Abyssinia Group of Industries, one of East Africa's largest steel producers with an ...
Uganda’s Deputy Inspector General of Government, Anne Muheirwe, has blamed gender imbalance on women failing to support one ...
President Museveni has commissioned the Ankole Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub in Muko Village, Mbarara District.
Environmentalists in Mbarara city have joined a drive to restore River Rwizi through collecting plastic waste and garbage from the critical water body. According to the Mbarara City ...
She appealed to people in Ankole and other parts of the country to renew the President’s mandate 2026-2031 to continue to lead the country and enable NRM to take Uganda to modernity and prosperity.
officially commissioned the Ankole Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub in Muko village, Mbarara district. The hub is part of a nationwide initiative, with 19 similar hubs across Uganda. The hubs ...