Mattel, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAT), a leading global toy and family entertainment company and owner of one of the most iconic brand portfolios in the world, and Dovetail Games, a simulation entertainment ...
Dear Annie: My son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and soon-to-be grandson live 12 hours away. We visit four to six times a year, driving six hours a day for two days and staying at a hotel ...
DEAR ANNIE: I’m finding myself caught in the middle of life’s constant changes, and it feels like no one else is immune to this struggle. At 28, I’m grappling with the uncertainty of my ...
Dear Annie: From the time I was in second grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. But everyone around me insisted it was a terrible idea. So, I chose the “safe” path and became a teacher ...
Dear Annie: Three years ago, my older brother received a $60,000 settlement, and I believe it changed his perspective on family and our relationship. One day, he offered to loan me $5,000 to ...
Dear Annie: I’m finding myself caught in the middle of life’s constant changes, and it feels like no one else is immune to this struggle. At 28, I’m grappling with the uncertainty of my ...
DEAR ANNIE: I have been married for almost 20 years and have a 6-year-old daughter. I suffered an injury I was unaware I had even gotten. I was unknowingly bleeding to death internally.
Dear Annie: I have been married for almost 20 years and have a 6-year-old daughter. I suffered an injury I was unaware I had even gotten. I was unknowingly bleeding to death internally.
Dear Annie: I’ve known my friend “Ella” for over 50 years. In the last few years, for whatever reason, she only wants to communicate with me via texting. She has no medical or mental issues.
Dear Annie: My cousin, who is more like a sister to me, has been making a series of reckless and concerning choices over the past year. After having her second baby, she left her husband and began ...
Annie Lennox’s performance was a total surprise at the Royal Albert Hall (Picture: Vianney Le Caer) Annie Lennox hosted a special fundraising concert for The Circle at the Royal Albert Hall on ...
Annie Knight, 28, who is friends with contentious OnlyFans performer Bonnie Blue, told her TikTok followers she’s on the hunt for a boyfriend, adding any prospective partners must be ‘super ...